Follow-up: so apparently things went really well yesterday. So well in fact, that we are going back to NVIDIA on thursday, after our presentation at Adobe. To be serious for a moment: we really feel that NVIDIA "gets" us and the demoscene. We already have a lot of cool ideas (spawned by both parties, it was not just us telling them what we would like - it was really a two-way conversation).
The whole team that we met with were honestly the nicest set of people you could imagine, and we are really looking forward to cultivating some of the ideas that came out of that first meeting.
..and now, by popular demand, a picture of Temis - our host at NVIDIA and San Francisco-inviter extraordinairé:
Temis and Steeler enjoying a typical american lunch (typical in our eyes anyway :)
It doesn't really show on the picutre I guess, but that .. was one BIG burger!
Will you be posting any presentation materials, plans, etc.? I'm very curious to know what you were presenting and what the goals of each meeting were.
cool! that makes sense, as nvidia has the biggest impact on demos of any company you're visiting. now if we could just broker some video card deals like back in the good old gravis ultrasound days. :)
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